Cancer is unfortunately the second most common cause of death worldwide. In recent years, the global scientific community has made steady and intensive progress in trying to find effective diagnostic tools and treatments for the disease across its spectrum (prognostic evaluation and staging models, PET-CT, biochemical markers, chemotherapy) – immunotherapies, new surgical techniques, specialized radiation therapy)
Cancer and its complications
Cancer and its complications
Despite proven scientific progress along with the overall efforts of public and private bodies around the world and the public awareness, unfortunately, a large percentage of cancer patients will experience the final stages of the disease that will lead to death. 80%, or more of the adult patients in the final stage of the disease will need to receive palliative care. Palliative care is provided to the end stage patient who suffers from a serious, life-threatening illness offering a holistic approach instead of focusing on the illness itself. Its goal is to prevent and treat the symptoms and the side effects of the disease itself and its treatment respectively, in combination with any related social, psychological and spiritual factor. ANAGENNISI has set up an interdisciplinary team of healthcare professionals to individually manage end-stage cancer patients, led by an Internal Medicine Specialist with long-terma experience in palliative care.
Nea Redestos,
P.O Box 602 38,
570 01
Thermi Thessaloniki
Tel: +30 2310 805 905
Fax: +30 2310 805 888
Call Center’s Hours of Operation
Monday to Sunday
8:00 – 22:00
Nea Redestos,
P.O Box 602 38,
570 01
Thermi Thessaloniki
Tel: +30 2310 805 905
Fax: +30 2310 805 888
Call Center’s Hours of Operation
Monday to Sunday
8:00 – 22:00